Monday, September 9, 2013

Linux Directory Structure

/bin - This directory contains most of your non-privileged system commands such as ls, mkdir, rm, etc.

/boot - Contains the systems boot image, bootloader, and the kernel

/dev - Symbolic links to system devices such as optical and removable drives

/etc - Contains all system configuration files and most configurations for installed packages

/home - Contains a directory for each user and contains profile information

/lib - Contains dynamic libraries and modules for the Linux system and installed packages

/media - Contains mount points for optical drives and removable media

/mnt - Used as a location for mounted drives and shares

/opt - Contains user installed packages and custom software not handled by the system or package manager

/proc - An interface between the kernel and the system, useful for diagnostics and system information

/root - The root superuser's home directory

/sbin - Contains privileged commands that are usually run as superuser (root/sudo)

/sys - An interface between the kernel and the system, used for modifying system settings

/tmp - A location for temporary files such as sessions on a web server

/usr - Contains most installed packages that are not part of the system, user installed programs

/usr/bin - Contains commands related to user installed packages in /usr

/usr/sbin - Contains privileged commands related to user installed packages in /usr

/var - Contains files that change often or accessed frequently

/var/log - Contains all system logs and most logs generated by installed packages

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